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Book Reviews and Literature

Unraveling the Enigma: The Origin and Significance of Wonderlands Very Good Advice

3 Mins read

Oh, the rabbit hole we willingly tumble down when diving into the depths of literary classics and their rippling impacts on the culture at large. If you're a fan of novel ideas (pun intended), have we got a thinker for you. We're dusting off the old books—literally, my copy is fringed at the edges—and worming into one oft-quoted line from a certain young lady's adventures in Wonderland.

Apparently, a bunch of you are hankering to know more about a specific chunk of wisdom dispensed in Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. The quote in question? "Very good advice". Strangely enough, it seems tons of folks can’t get enough of understanding where it cropped up from and what it could possibly mean. Fasten your seatbelts—or should we say, tighten those corsets—it’s about to get whimsical up in here.

What Tells You "Very Good Advice"?

Let’s do the time warp back to 1865. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland rocked up on the scene, a whimsical tale penned by Charles Lutwidge Dodgson under his more commonly recognized nom de plume, Lewis Carroll. This eclectic narrative isn't exactly known for being straightforward (pun, again, quite intentional).

In the myriad puzzles and peculiar patronages populating Wonderland, there’s one character that sort of floats under most people’s radar: Mother oyster. Well then, here comes the part where we circle around that quote—"Very good advice". It doesn't quite pop out from Carroll's Alice, nope. It actually springs from one other piece—you guessed it: Disney.

In 1951, Walt Disney Pictures took Carroll's characters off pages and parked them on silver screens in vivid Technicolor with their animated Alice in Wonderland. And it’s here, nestled within this film adaptation—not in Carroll’s original story—that we catch that "very good advice" phrase crooned during a song.

The titular character Alice dials into a reflective moment with that song—a catchy number sharing its name with our quote: “Very Good Advice”. Alice starts ruefully recollecting her whirlwind tour through Wonderland and realizes she hasn’t been following her own wisdom.

Here's where things get interesting—and meta. The line symbolizes how despite hearing sound advice all our lives about how to behave or make decisions, sometimes we fail woefully at taking our own counsel.

Down The Meaning Rabbit Hole

So why do Alice’s concerns for self-advised wisdom beckon such a brood over its meaning? Well, your guess is as good as mine, but let me venture an assumption: introspection sells.

The idea that a young girl, floundering in the most bizarre and nonsensical world imaginable (until Reddit came along—oh wait, remember no mentioning) reflects on not following her own advice speaks volumes about human nature and its proclivity for oversight.

Given that Wonderland functions as an unhinged dreamscape where normal rules are upended faster than you can say "Cheshire Cat," Alice gradually accepting personal responsibility acts as an anchor—an epiphany almost—in an otherwise flimsy reality.

In Other Words?

What we've got here might be best described as the ultimate paradox—considering she finds 'very good advice' within herself in a place where advice seems futile. It makes you wonder about the stuff we keep telling ourselves but never act on—eat healthier, spend less time on our phones…you know the drill.

Mulling over Mother Oyster teaching her kids not to be deceived by flattery through whimsical song translates pretty easily to poking fun at serious side effects of taking things at face value without considering consequences—a quintessential trait of fantastical storytelling.

Now Let's Break It Down

Here’s my final two cents for what they're worth (inflation-adjusted). The era we’re skimming from was big on moral messaging—sometimes clad in iron corsets itself—and Alice’s Adventures does this with zest. But songs like "Very Good Advice" served mini epiphanies encapsulated within earworm melodies—an emotional unpacking for our lost-in-Wonderland protagonist.

And by tuning into this crooner call for self-awareness—Alice effectively voices out loud what many feel uncomfortably silent with—a lost touch with one’s conscience amidst chaos. If you want subtext served on a silver platter, Disney circa '50s has it laid out buffet-style: Even if all around you is topsy-turvy weirdness galore… listen to yourself. Maybe that's why this catchy tune sticks like jam tarts—in Wonderland or otherwise.

Ahem…so if you’ve ambled this far down my analysis rabbit hole—I commend your perseverance! But what say you? Ring any bells or sound frightfully familiar? Maybe you've pondered similar pearls of wisdom dropped carelessly by Carroll or warbled winsomely by Disney?

Feel free to spill your brain-juice—a more reverent way to say ‘drop your thoughts’—in the comments below. Is there some tidbit of very good advice you’ve found it tough to swallow? Ever catch yourself dancing to Disney's ditties while pondering life’s big questions? Let’s tumble down this discussion rabbit hole together.

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